Our legal entities
How Virgin Unite is set up
Virgin Unite is made up of five distinct, independent entities. Find out more below
Virgin Unite UK
Virgin Unite UK (The Virgin Foundation) is a company limited by guarantee, registered as in England and Wales and is also a registered charity (company number 02155645, UK registered charity number 297540) with its registered office at 7 Savoy Court, London WC2R 0EX. The Virgin Foundation focuses on a number of initiatives and projects, including but not limited to Audacious Ideas, Founders Unite, Africa Donor Collective, The Elders, Big Change, Mental Health, Emergency Response in Ukraine.

Virgin Unite USA
Virgin Unite USA, Inc is a Delaware not-profit corporation (a 501(c)3 organisation), whose address is at 65 Bleecker Street, 6th Floor, New York 10012 United States (EIN: 20-3963486). Virgin Unite USA focuses on various projects, including but not limited to Criminal Justice Reform, Blue Forests of the Caribbean, 100% Human at Work, Unite BVI, and CCSA. To learn more about State Nonprofit Disclosures click here.
Virgin Unite Canada Inc
Virgin Unite Canada Inc. is a not-for-profit charitable organisation with its registered office address at 15 Asquith Avenue (Floor 6), Toronto, ON, Canada M4W 1J7 (registered charity business number 84179 0728 RR0001). Virgin Unite Canada focuses on a variety of Canadian based projects and international emergency response. In 2022, Virgin Unite Canada supported Fora and the Canadian Red Cross for Ukraine. Virgin Unite Canada also contributed funding member capital to Amplify Capital through the MaRS Catalyst Fund (an initiative committed to investing in entrepreneur development and business as a force for good).

Virgin Unite Australia Limited
Virgin Unite Australia Limited is a not-for-profit public company / Public Benevolent Institution (ABN20637161203) with its address at Level 3/400 Barangaroo Ave, Barangaroo 2000 NSW. Virgin Unite Australia focuses on a number of projects aimed at providing aid to communities that are disadvantaged or in poverty, including organisations working with those affected by drugs, prisoners and ex-offenders, asylum seekers, young people who are homeless and indigenous communities. Some examples of projects we fund include Asylum Seekers Resource Centre, Children’s Ground and Igniting Change.
Virgin Trading Limited
Virgin Unite Trading Limited is a limited company, registered in England and Wales (company number 03126284) with its registered office at 7 Savoy Court, London WC2R 0EX. It is a wholly-owned trading subsidiary of Virgin Unite UK. It undertakes fundraising and commercial activity on behalf of Virgin Unite UK, with the purpose of maximising funds raised for Virgin Unite UK.